wabbly / ˈwɒb li /


wabbly 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

wab·bli·er, wab·bli·est.

wabbly 近义词


等同于 unsteady


  1. Nothing is more destructive of good tools than a grooved, uneven, or wabbly stone.
  2. In a wabbly rocker, at imminent risk of a 238 breakdown, Priscilla jerked back and forth.
  3. If, for some reason, the uprights are "wabbly" the frame may be stiffened by lashing diagonal cross sticks to the frame.
  4. He lit a cigarette and hummed a wabbly tune, sitting astride a chair and watching me with his empty leer.
  5. A thatched roof that leaked in every heavy shower leaned to a wabbly ridge-pole over the floor.