virtuosic / ˌvɜr tʃuˈoʊ soʊ /


virtuosic2 个定义

n. 名词 noun

plural vir·tu·o·sos, vir·tu·o·si [vur-choo-oh-see]. /ˌvɜr tʃuˈoʊ si/.

  1. a person who has special knowledge or skill in a field.
  2. a person who excels in musical technique or execution.
  3. a person who has a cultivated appreciation of artistic excellence, as a connoisseur or collector of objects of art, antiques, etc.
  4. Obsolete. a person who has special interest or knowledge in the arts and sciences; scientist; scholar.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. Also vir·tu·os·ic [vur-choo-os-ik]. /ˌvɜr tʃuˈɒs ɪk/. of, relating to, or characteristic of a virtuoso: a virtuoso performance.

virtuosic 近义词


等同于 consummate


  1. This book is a virtuosic performance in original and tricksterish storytelling.
  2. The concert was chaotically virtuosic: an ideal rockist combo.
  3. The quilts in the QSOS Obama project range from serious to humorous in theme and from competent to virtuosic in execution.
  4. The general airiness of the style is a particularly-noticeable feature of this piece of Chopin's virtuosic period.