vicarial / vaɪˈkɛər i əl, vɪ- /


vicarial 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of or relating to a vicar.
  2. acting as or holding the office of a vicar.
  3. delegated or vicarious: vicarial powers.

vicarial 近义词


等同于 substitute


  1. The Norman abbey of Lyra held the great tithes; the vicarial amounted to just one half of them, £6.
  2. Rectorial glebe is not liable to pay vicarial tithe to the vicar, nor is vicarial glebe liable to rectorial tithe to the rector.
  3. But our government is altogether conducted on the footing of vicarial responsibility.
  4. Similar vicarial or legatine powers had been conferred in 418 by Zosimus upon Patroclus, bishop of Arles.
  5. For this reason his vicarial representative can plead scores of excuses for presenting himself at “The Court.”