vesper / ˈvɛs pər /


vesper2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the evening star, especially Venus; Hesperus.
  2. Also called vesper bell . a bell rung at evening.
  3. vespers,Ecclesiastical. a religious service in the late afternoon or the evening.the sixth of the seven canonical hours, or the service for it, occurring in the late afternoon or the evening.Roman Catholic Church.a part of the office to be said in the evening by those in major orders, frequently made a public ceremony in the afternoons or evenings of Sundays and holy days.Anglican Church.evensong.
  4. Archaic. evening.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of, pertaining to, appearing in, or proper to the evening.
  2. of or relating to vespers.

vesper 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. At another time she took from Bouvard twenty sous, which she placed at vesper-time in the sacristans collecting-plate.
  2. Like the meadowlark again, the vesper sparrow occasionally sings as it soars upward from its grassy home.
  3. Its habit of singing later in the evening gave it the name of “Vesper.”
  4. His attention was constantly interrupted by the little flutter of color made more distinct by a vesper before the photograph.
  5. Would you could have heard that vesper hymn stealing hirsute through the mellow evening-air!