validated / ˈvæl ɪˌdeɪt /


validated 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb

val·i·dat·ed, val·i·dat·ing.

  1. to make valid; substantiate; confirm: Time validated our suspicions.
  2. to give legal force to; legalize.
  3. to give official sanction, confirmation, or approval to, as elected officials, election procedures, documents, etc.: to validate a passport.

validated 近义词

v. 动词 verb

ascertain the truth, authenticity of something


  1. It’s a complete reverse approach than building a PowerPoint document to validate a project.
  2. For many publishers, the experience of the pandemic validated the moves they have made over the past few years to diversify their business.
  3. It’s pretty rare for me to invest in a team without an idea—usually I wait until people are working on something specific so it’s easier to validate whether that market makes sense.
  4. OPEGA found that the magnitude of overbilling by attorneys was likely overstated, but it validated the underlying problem of attorneys claiming to have worked a large number of hours.
  5. To County Supervisor Jim Desmond, this was a validating finding.
  6. Thus, as someone who felt validated by Ubisoft, it was disappointing to read about its decision on women.
  7. It has not been scientifically validated that it even indirectly causes damage.
  8. A judge will now decide whether Vannoni should face a criminal trial, or if his work gets validated in a clinical trial.
  9. He loves his wife, but is deeply in love with himself and needs to be validated constantly.
  10. This means the court has effectively validated the rulings of lower courts that have rejected Prop 8.
  11. Two whose elections had been validated by the Council refused to sit because they had not obtained the eighth part of the votes.
  12. In other words, however much a 'truth' has been validated, it is always possible to test it further.
  13. The intellectualist accounts of truth have all failed to make this vital distinction between 'truth-claim' and validated truth.
  14. They again signify certain practical consequences of the verified and validated idea.
  15. The clerk of the court issued a certificate which was validated in the secretary's office.