unviolated / ˈvaɪ əˌleɪt /


unviolated 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb

vi·o·lat·ed, vi·o·lat·ing.

  1. to break, infringe, or transgress.
  2. to break in upon or disturb rudely; interfere thoughtlessly with: to violate his privacy.
  3. to break through or pass by force or without right: to violate a frontier.
  4. to treat irreverently or disrespectfully; desecrate; profane: violate a human right.
  5. to molest sexually, especially to rape.

unviolated 近义词


等同于 intact


  1. The next day, Boslough found that he had been temporarily suspended for violating Nextdoor’s rules about being “helpful, not hurtful.”
  2. Any publisher found to be violating the policies in Google News or Google Discover may be dropped from search results.
  3. “We’re looking to see if any department policies were violated by either the officer or his supervisors,” Staffordsmith said.
  4. This preservation request applies to posts and comments about Dominion that YouTube has removed for violating its terms of use.
  5. “We need to rein in behavior that violates antitrust law and monopolistic behavior, and Amazon is going to be part of that work,” Jayapal said in an interview.
  6. Violate the tombs, if she has taken refuge in the abodes of death, far within some passage or hypogeum.