unreason / ʌnˈri zən /


unreason2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. inability or unwillingness to think or act rationally, reasonably, or sensibly; irrationality.
  2. lack of reason or sanity; madness; confusion; disorder; chaos: a world torn by unreason.
v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to upset or disrupt the reason or sanity of: The devious plot soon unreasoned the general.

unreason 近义词


等同于 hysteria


  1. In The Embrace of Unreason, Frederick Brown weaves a warning for America from the story of the divided French.
  2. It is that phenomenon that Frederick Brown explores in his brilliant new book, The Embrace of Unreason: France, 1914-1940.
  3. Like the Furies, the Cheneys stand for unreason and emotionalism.
  4. Thus Athena replaces unreason with reason, and revenge with the spirit of clemency.
  5. Now, contrast that awful muddle of unreason and injustice with what you call my "counsels of despair."
  6. Even in my own minor assumptions of a state of unreason I had found it very stimulating and amusing.
  7. Find the boundary line between reason and unreason in this inextricable tangle!
  8. Have you not chosen me Abbot of Unreason, and is it lawful for any of you to listen to common sense to-day?
  9. In the present reference of the card to the letter Shin, which corresponds to 200, the difficulty or the unreason remains.