unpolite / ˌʌn pəˈlaɪt /


unpolite 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

unpolite 近义词


等同于 ungracious


  1. The Manners of the Germans are so different, proceed they, from ours; their Service is so unpolite!
  2. "He is so jolly green," said Charley when he recovered, as an apology to the company for his unpolite behaviour.
  3. Mr. Frederick Montague, I'm sure, is too well-bred a young gentleman to do so unpolite, so ungallant a thing!'
  4. So pulling out one letter after another, and reading them in company, or cutting or pairing one's nails, is unpolite and rude.
  5. Drinking of healths is now growing out of fashion, and is very unpolite in good company.