understory / ˈʌn dərˌstɔr i, -ˌstoʊr i /


understory 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the shrubs and plants growing beneath the main canopy of a forest.

understory 近义词


等同于 underbrush


等同于 undergrowth


  1. They decided to excavate the understory of the conflict—to figure out what it was really about–which required asking different questions and truly listening.
  2. “There’s no understory vegetation left, let alone any leaf litter suspended in it, so that species is really hanging in the balance,” says Marsh.
  3. Trees were small in this part of the woods, with a well developed understory thicket of coralberry and sumac.
  4. An almost continuous canopy of foliage has developed, shading the understory and thinning it by killing shrubs and saplings.
  5. Purshia tridentata (bitterbrush) is the understory codominant.
  6. Vegetation was pinyon-juniper woodland with an understory of mixed shrubs.
  7. A relatively pure understory of Poa fendleriana (muttongrass), is typical of such woodland on the middle parts of the mesas.