unconsciousness / (ʌnˈkɒnʃəsnɪs) /


unconsciousness 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the state of being without normal sensory awareness; insensibility

unconsciousness 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. For example, lack of response to painful stimuli indicates deeper unconsciousness and more severe injury.
  2. Dr. Karasu said "there's a greater pleasure in the unconsciousness of revenge - it's more powerful than success."
  3. Blazing blobs of light exploded within his brain, and then the total blackness of unconsciousness funneled down upon his brain.
  4. He disliked the audible yawn with which Cash manifested his return from the deathlike unconsciousness of sleep.
  5. There was no alteration in Ruth; she was as one stunned into unconsciousness; she did not move her posture, she hardly breathed.
  6. Digby felt almost worn out, and ready to sink—a dreamy unconsciousness came over him.
  7. He was found at the foot of a rather high stone wall in a state of unconsciousness.