uh-huh / ʌˈhʌ, ʌ̃ˈhʌ̃ /


uh-huh 的定义

interj. 感叹词 interjection
  1. .

uh-huh 近义词

adv. 副词 adverb



  1. The feelings of some of the local artists about the coming of this “New York superstar” were, uh, different.
  2. Did you sneak a line in like, “Eating ice cream with the enemy, huh, Coach?”
  3. And yet it immediately sparks the reply—well, the country sure has gotten way more enlightened since 2009, huh?
  4. But Johnny got the first few words in: “Uh, seen any coyotes?”
  5. Johnny pushed the button, broke in: “Uh, I got two guys here need a ride….”
  6. There'll be heaps uh fun in the Cypress Hills country when they get t' runnin' the whisky-jacks out.
  7. But this mornin' I got a chance to size up the whole bunch, and nary one uh them jaspers I wanted t' see was in sight.
  8. "Blamed if they ain't got company, from the look uh things," he grunted, squinting down.
  9. But they only had enough saddle-stock along t' wrangle the bulls—an' I took three uh the best they had.
  10. One of us better head in for the Crossin' an' find out for sure if any uh them fellers come t' the camp, an' what he wanted there.