typed / taɪp /


typed3 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a number of things or persons sharing a particular characteristic, or set of characteristics, that causes them to be regarded as a group, more or less precisely defined or designated; class; category: a criminal of the most vicious type.
  2. a thing or person regarded as a member of a class or category; kind; sort: This is some type of mushroom.
  3. Informal. a person, regarded as reflecting or typifying a certain line of work, environment, etc.: a couple of civil service types.
v. 有主动词 verb

typed, typ·ing.

  1. to write on a typewriter or keyboard; typewrite or keyboard.
  2. to reproduce in type or in print.
  3. Medicine/Medical. to ascertain the type of.
v. 无主动词 verb

typed, typ·ing.

typed 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

written on a typewriter

typed 的近义词 3
adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. The algorithms used to compute a biological age for each of the different data types—as well as the AgeMetric scoring mechanism—are either patented or patent-pending, Zhavoronkov said.
  2. Now that the York team has identified the chemistry of human body odor, they can develop new types of deodorants, says Rudden.
  3. I understood the kind of companies that got funded, the types that didn’t.
  4. For years, their front office has been led by a different type of executive.
  5. However, this type of cell phone data can help agencies know how people behave as a storm approaches, perhaps giving them an opportunity to adjust their own approaches to evacuation orders, says Long.
  6. But yes, I pictured a James Bond-type just sauntering over to her.
  7. “I have to think her body type played a role,” said Rachel Greenblatt, a Lecturer in Jewish Studies at Harvard University.
  8. But Ally knows better and dresses tastefully for her age and body type now.
  9. Sabrine was the outgoing, sociable type, and had many friends, while Ziad was shy and a little more introverted.
  10. Mistletoe is basically a vampire—but one of those an anti-hero type vampires.
  11. Though the average speaker is generally limited by one type of voice, which he varies somewhat, it is not often disguised.
  12. Accustomed to a written character, their eyes became wearied by the crabbedness and formality of type.
  13. True, she had never met the provincial type before, but she doubted if Rosewater had produced a crop of Isabel Otises.
  14. I must make no mistake, and blunder into a national type of features, all wrong; if I make your mask, it must do us credit.
  15. A mixed type of the present day Negro, she was slightly tall, and somewhat slender, with a figure straight and graceful.