tuber / ˈtu bər, ˈtyu- /


tuber 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Botany. a fleshy, usually oblong or rounded thickening or outgrowth, as the potato, of a subterranean stem or shoot, bearing minute scalelike leaves with buds or eyes in their axils from which new plants may arise.
  2. Anatomy. a rounded swelling or protuberance; a tuberosity; a tubercle.

tuber 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. I saw it again, 6,000 miles away, on the dry Tanzania savanna with Hadzabe families, who forage for tubers and baobab seeds.
  2. Workers dig elaborate underground tunnels in search of tubers to eat.
  3. Those groups balance out their diets by also eating tubers, roots and other plant foods that they store during the short summers to carry them through frigid winter months.
  4. Because that whole system is sealed, the potato tubers don’t carry any soil- or insect-vectored diseases.
  5. This year he agreed to take me into the woods to forage for these precious tubers.
  6. Some blamed that innocent tuber with derailing her attempts at projecting an “authentic” image.
  7. I feel like they are the alchemist of the tuber world; they make everything from smooth, soft purees to beautiful crunchy pickles.
  8. As in, when the waiter approaches the table holding aloft an innocent-looking tuber and asks, “Should I keep shaving?”
  9. The flour of any species of corn, pulse, tuber, or starchy root.
  10. This tuber has the celery flavor in a pronounced degree, and is used for flavoring soups and for celery salad.
  11. They will take root at each joint of vine, when undisturbed, which roots will draw from the main tuber.
  12. Sometimes it attacks the potato, eating down the stalk into the tuber.
  13. This skin is produced by the action of the surface cells of the tuber.