thunderclap / ˈθʌn dərˌklæp /


thunderclap 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a crash of thunder.
  2. something resembling a thunderclap, as in loudness or unexpectedness.

thunderclap 近义词


等同于 clap


等同于 crash


  1. Now, with the publication of her first book-length collection in English, “Moonlight Rests on My Left Palm,” in a lyrical translation by Fiona Sze-Lorrain, a new audience has a chance to hear the thunderclap.
  2. At Noether’s funeral, mathematician Hermann Weyl compared her sudden passing to “the echo of a thunderclap.”
  3. For some, the revelation earlier this month hit like a thunderclap, upending how they thought about the school.
  4. This lurid embrace of art and life was not an isolated thunderclap.
  5. These changes, however, cannot be accomplished with a moral thunderclap.
  6. And then (thunderclap) one of wine's darkest nemeses appeared: the artichoke.
  7. The sudden thunderclap gives warning that beyond the calm horizon the storm is gathering.
  8. Do these gentlemen really feel the thunderclap or the enchantment of an object of art?
  9. We imagined we had educated it out of them; they thought so, too; the Interdict woke them up like a thunderclap!
  10. A sudden thunderclap startled them now into consciousness of the scene about them.
  11. Then, a few days ago, there came a thunderclap; and teachers and girls were alike amazed to find that you were no longer a member.