thorniness / ˈθɔr ni /


thorniness 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

thorn·i·er, thorn·i·est.

  1. abounding in or characterized by thorns; spiny; prickly.
  2. thornlike.
  3. overgrown with thorns or brambles.
  4. painful; vexatious: a thorny predicament.
  5. full of difficulties, complexities, or controversial points: a thorny question.

thorniness 近义词


等同于 awkwardness


  1. Rodgers went 33 for 48 for 346 but got sacked five times and found Tampa Bay too thorny when Green Bay had chances.
  2. Inside the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security, officials are grappling with thorny questions about race, terrorism and free-speech rights, as some investigators question whether more could have been done to prevent last week’s violence.
  3. Some of the thorniest political differences, however, are local.
  4. While there was broad agreement that medical workers and nursing home residents should be the first to get vaccines, the question of which groups should come next has been thornier, with much of the decision-making left to states.
  5. Frequently confused with wild roses, these thorny bushes grow a crop of red berries that are often used as a trailside snack and a healthy tea.