thanks / (θæŋks) /


thanks2 个定义

n. 名词(复数) noun
  1. an expression of appreciation or gratitude or an acknowledgment of services or favours given
  2. thanks to because ofthanks to him we lost the match
interj. 感叹词 interjection
  1. informal an exclamation expressing acknowledgment, gratitude, or appreciation

thanks 近义词

n. 名词 noun

spoken or written appreciation


  1. Thanks to that meddling Franklin and the other editors, Jefferson thought his Declaration had been “mangled.”
  2. “They basically said thanks a lot and shook our hands and took off,” Stammberger said.
  3. And, thanks to a transparent hull, exploring the deep and spotting rare marine life is practically a cinch.
  4. Thanks to the Atlanta case, they can now see another in plain sight.
  5. Thanks to decades of social-science research, we know more about how to help struggling Americans than ever before.
  6. In nine days he returned, bringing us the thanks of congress, and fresh orders.
  7. Thanks to Berthier's admirable system, Bonaparte was kept in touch with every part of his command.
  8. A cricket-match was in progress, but the bowling and batting were extremely wild, thanks to The Warren strong beer.
  9. In fifteen minutes the only dry part of me was the crown of my head—thanks be to a good Stetson hat.
  10. The little comical pig was rather lonesome after Slicko had left him, but he was no longer hungry, thanks to the acorns.