template / ˈtɛm plɪt /


template 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a pattern, mold, or the like, usually consisting of a thin plate of wood or metal, serving as a gauge or guide in mechanical work.
  2. anything that determines or serves as a pattern; a model: You can use my notes as a template for employee evaluations.
  3. Building Trades. a horizontal piece, as of timber or stone, in a wall, to receive and distribute the pressure of a girder, beam, or the like.
  4. Shipbuilding. either of two wedges in each of the temporary blocks forming the support for the keel of a ship while building.
  5. Aerial Photogrammetry. any object having lines, slots, or straightedges to represent lines radiating from the center of a photograph, used for graphic triangulation.
  6. Genetics. a strand of DNA or RNA that serves as a pattern for the synthesis of a complementary strand of nucleic acid or protein.
  7. Computers. a small sheet or strip of cardboard, plastic, or the like, that fits over a portion of the keyboard and provides ready reference to the keystroke commands of a particular software program.an electronic file with a predesigned, customized format and structure, as for a fax, letter, or expense report, ready to be filled in.
  8. Also called safe. a marble base for a toilet.

template 近义词


等同于 pattern


  1. These provide templates integrating their own voice app experiences for you to customize further.
  2. Previously, the solution would have been bespoke from the origin, the publisher said, although it wouldn’t say how much it’s charging for the templates.
  3. We’re trying to build a different proposition that doesn’t fit well within that template.
  4. Every woman’s experience is different across her cycle, and there’s no one-size-fits-all template.
  5. The former Seattle officer predicted that any pullbacks would follow the same template they had in his city.
  6. Gardner now becomes the model—and his campaign the template—for how to win purple states.
  7. Robert: First of all, it sets more of a template for the year for us.
  8. For all we are told about a “modern monarchy” the Duchess is—now—a very old-fashioned template of the silent, fantasy princess.
  9. He created an enduring template, as Harris puts it, for “what ‘real’ war film is supposed to look like.”
  10. His template for government was the peasant fantasy he dreamed up during his years of service on a Soviet pig farm.
  11. It is preferable to shape the inside first, cutting it out roughly and checking up with the template.
  12. The template is put on the ends of the straight pole, and the dowel centres are pricked into the wood.
  13. A temporary piece of wood is planed to a true mitre and placed underneath the dovetailed piece to form a template.
  14. The method of obtaining the correct angles of such a template has already been given on p. 134.
  15. A small wooden template is made out of beech or other hardwood, having its ends cut at 45 degrees.