supermarket / ˈsu pərˌmɑr kɪt /


supermarket 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a large retail market that sells food and other household goods and that is usually operated on a self-service basis.
  2. any business or company offering an unusually wide range of goods or services: a financial supermarket that sells stocks, bonds, insurance, and real estate.

supermarket 近义词


等同于 market/mart


等同于 shop


等同于 store


等同于 emporium


等同于 grocery store


  1. In the early stages of the coronavirus it wouldn’t have made sense for us to continue to spend on some point of sale material, but there was still a lot of people shopping in a natural retail channels like supermarkets.
  2. Although Walmart is still by far the nation’s biggest grocer, it has recently lost share to mainstream supermarkets, which have expanded sales at a faster pace during the quarantine.
  3. In supermarkets, scan-and-go technology has accelerated the mobile checkout experience — enabling staff to be re-deployed in other areas of the store — and also creates a safer experience for both the employee and the customer.
  4. I mean, this is central to the lie, really, of the supermarket as a weapon.
  5. The broader answer is that what makes a supermarket a supermarket is the industrial agriculture system that enables the affordability of mass-produced foods.
  6. When Chérif got out of prison, he worked at the fish counter of a supermarket.
  7. No alarms were triggered as she strolled out of the Giant supermarket in Limerick, Pennsylvania, and nobody thought otherwise.
  8. Notoriously, Atlantic City did not get its first supermarket until 1996.
  9. He was captivated by footage of her escape through the hazy entryway of the supermarket, which was obscured by pepper spray.
  10. Soon, you could find products containing palm oil on every supermarket shelf in the country.
  11. A gasoline station and a weed-grown lot would shortly be replaced by a supermarket.
  12. The back door of the supermarket was forced and somebody made off with a variety of groceries.
  13. Apparently he cashed the check at the little store, or the supermarket, near where you lived there in New Orleans.
  14. That put it early in April, which decreased the weather hazard—a major consideration in even a trip to the Supermarket.
  15. Do you know, are you familiar with Hutch's Market, Supermarket?