suet / ˈsu ɪt /


suet 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the hard fatty tissue about the loins and kidneys of beef, sheep, etc., used in cooking or processed to yield tallow.

suet 近义词


等同于 tallow

suet 的近义词 2

等同于 fat


  1. It also served as a prop for suet cake holders, which the birds love.
  2. The fat of the rump or tail is considered a great delicacy, and in hot climates resembles oil, and in colder, suet.
  3. Line a pudding-basin with good suet paste rolled out to half an inch thickness.
  4. Well, I'll try and give you rice puddings, and suet ones too.
  5. So they said they always put back some corn, some suet, or some other food material in exchange for the beans they took out.
  6. No one ever forgot the roly-poly pudding made without suet; synthetic rubber was its scientific name.