corpulence / ˈkɔr pyə ləns /


corpulence 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. bulkiness or largeness of body; fatness; portliness.

corpulence 近义词

n. 名词 noun


corpulence 的近义词 5


  1. A large Norman woman, as ugly as her mistress was pretty, but tender and sympathetic in direct proportion to her corpulence.
  2. These insignias, coupled with the extraordinary corpulence of the rider, designated Louis the Lusty to Fergan.
  3. The person who attracted the notice of the mighty Maynebrace was tall, inclined to corpulence, and bowed in the shoulders.
  4. He was tall, and of one of those athletic forms in which vigour in youth is too often followed by corpulence in age.
  5. He was apparently vigorous, being short, thick-necked, and inclined to corpulence.