succedaneum / ˌsʌk sɪˈdeɪ ni əm /


succedaneum 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural suc·ce·da·ne·a [suhk-si-dey-nee-uh]. /ˌsʌk sɪˈdeɪ ni ə/.

  1. a substitute.

succedaneum 近义词


等同于 substitute


等同于 utility player


  1. Succedaneum for Chrysarobin; very active reducer or "reactive."
  2. Give us rather any succedaneum that will move us, will delight us.
  3. How very poor a succedaneum for fresco painting is Gobelius tapestry!
  4. His moral lectures and advice to me formed a most important succedaneum to those imparted by my parents.
  5. Now the grace of God is not to be set aside in this way; it refuses to be treated as a mere succedaneum of human virtue.