changeling / ˈtʃeɪndʒ lɪŋ /


changeling 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a child surreptitiously or unintentionally substituted for another.
  2. an ugly, stupid, or strange child left by fairies in place of a pretty, charming child.
  3. Philately. a postage stamp that, by accident or intention, has been chemically changed in color.
  4. Archaic. a renegade or imbecile.

changeling 近义词


等同于 substitute


  1. This is more Changeling than Invictus, as far as director Eastwood is concerned.
  2. To be fair, and slightly ashamed of myself, I did not watch Changeling.
  3. Die foolish beoples in the island, they say she is a wechsel-balg—what you call a fairy-elf changeling.
  4. One more story of a "changeling" before we leave the subject.
  5. Everybody believed Ellis to have been a changeling, and one saying of his is well known in that part of the country.
  6. The same writer gives a similar account of the changeling mentioned above, p. 107.
  7. Thiele relates a story in which a wild stallion colt is brought in to smell two babes, one of which is a changeling.