stubbornly / ˈstʌb ərn /


stubbornly 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. unreasonably obstinate; obstinately unmoving: a stubborn child.
  2. fixed or set in purpose or opinion; resolute: a stubborn opponent of foreign aid.
  3. obstinately maintained, as a course of action: a stubborn resistance.
  4. difficult to manage or suppress: a stubborn horse; a stubborn pain.
  5. hard, tough, or stiff, as stone or wood; difficult to shape or work.

stubbornly 近义词

adv. 副词 adverb



  1. Once we were forced to detour around a stubborn buffalo who had claimed the trail.
  2. There’s a delicate balance between ambition and the stubborn facts of nascent technology.
  3. Of Jimmy Butler lugging the Miami Heat to an absurd Finals win over a Lakers team that was destined for rings, just because he was too damn stubborn to stop scoring.
  4. The American flag on this Inauguration Day wasn’t a sign of victory as much as it was an emblem of stubborn endurance.
  5. When you flip this shovel over, there is a cutting angle that can be used to chip away at stubborn ice.
  6. In the past, Santos has been stubbornly opposed to a bilateral ceasefire, but his position on the issue may be shifting.
  7. Why have educational outcomes so stubbornly flat-lined in the face of this wealth of educational resources?
  8. Who talks about sports “curses” as much as the fans who stubbornly remain fans in the face of such curses?
  9. He is like a grandfather to us, the kind who seems like he should have died a while ago and yet stubbornly clings to life.
  10. So why are all of these anti-gay laws still stubbornly on the books?
  11. During the winter campaign in 1814 in France no one fought more fiercely and stubbornly than the Duke of Elchingen.
  12. Day by day every inch of ground was stubbornly fought, and on the 12th of July the decision of the Committee was announced.
  13. “Your idea of taking Henrietta over there and letting her call Bertha is a good one,” declared Amy stubbornly.
  14. He desired to show that, according to his lights, he was not stubbornly holding out against reason.
  15. "If you had been Reff you wouldn't have run away and left me to drown," went on Coulter, stubbornly.