streamlined / ˈstrimˌlaɪnd /


streamlined 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. having a contour designed to offer the least possible resistance to a current of air, water, etc.; optimally shaped for motion or conductivity.
  2. designed or organized to give maximum efficiency; compact.
  3. modernized; up-to-date.

streamlined 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective


streamlined 的近义词 4
streamlined 的反义词 1
adj. 形容词 adjective


streamlined 的近义词 7
streamlined 的反义词 3


  1. They’ll be relying heavily on the agency’s internal automated solution, called Alli, for a streamlined alerting process to help teams prioritize issues as they arise.
  2. While the company is planning for a more streamlined future in some areas, it is also committed to expanding its live sports offerings.
  3. They showed that together with Cas9, this more streamlined system could locate and snip viral DNA in a test tube.
  4. The public and private sectors must work together to establish a streamlined and uniform process for certifying Black-owned businesses.
  5. Doing so will help you gain an insight into the topics of interest surrounding your target market, allowing you to create a streamlined, well-targeted landing page.
  6. Once in Sicily, the refugees are processed and released by the Italian authorities, who have streamlined the experience.
  7. Hoop skirts of the Civil War era relaxed into flowing, streamlined gowns.
  8. Schultz agreed that mining regulations should be streamlined.
  9. Nowadays tech developers are constantly striving to create the most integrated, streamlined consumer experience possible.
  10. They need to become streamlined: an organism that is basically very primitive.
  11. The full-length picture of her included a streamlined, full-blossomed and yet delectably lithe body.
  12. Dalgetty's view in all directions was cut off by the other stations, the rising streamlined hulks which were Pacific Colony.
  13. The German “drachen” was badly “streamlined,” that is to say, its shape offered great resistance to the wind.
  14. But before all these romantically streamlined things eventuate there must be a hiatus.
  15. This streamlined vein puncturing implement reduced the possibility of injecting air and bacteria into the blood.