stigmatization [ stĭg′mə-tĭ-zāshən ]


stigmatization 的定义

n. 名词 noun

    stigmatization 近义词


    等同于 denunciation


    1. “The worst of all is the community stigmatization,” he says.
    2. Unlike Payne, Kromah continues to struggle to be accepted in his community and does not know when the stigmatization will end.
    3. Sometimes the aftermath, which can lead to stigmatization and harassment from peers and leaders, is equally painful for victims.
    4. Her words reveal our own unfounded stigmatization of sex workers.
    5. Dan Savage has done a great deal to end the stigmatization and bullying of LGBT youth across the country.
    6. The first recorded instance of stigmatization is that of S. Francis of Assisi, in the thirteenth century.
    7. That his visions were accompanied by actual stigmatization has already been mentioned.