smithy / ˈsmɪθ i, ˈsmɪð i /


smithy 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural smith·ies.

  1. the workshop of a smith, especially a blacksmith.
  2. a blacksmith.

smithy 近义词


等同于 blacksmith

smithy 的近义词 5

等同于 furnace


  1. The Smithy character, played by Dustin Ybarra, is so cartoonish as to be off-putting rather than gleefully adolescent.
  2. In every smithy and factory bowie-knives were being forged with all speed, and 10,000 men were already armed with them.
  3. My smithy lies yonder, beyond that turn of the road and behind the biggest oak tree in the country.
  4. A big car was passing slowly up the village street, and as it came abreast the smithy the doctor raised his hat.
  5. Thrice, all his strength flew with a downright stroke,—a smithy's sledge less crushing.
  6. As Lagroin and the dwarf came to the door of the smithy, they heard the loud laugh of Lajeunesse.