plover / ˈplʌv ər, ˈploʊ vər /


plover 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any of various shorebirds of the family Charadriidae.Compare dotterel, killdeer, lapwing.
  2. any of various similar shorebirds, as the upland plover and other sandpipers.

plover 近义词


等同于 game bird


等同于 blacksmith

plover 的近义词 5


  1. It is interesting to notice a resemblance between this huge bird and our English wild duck or plover.
  2. Several yellow-legged plover were shot along the banks, but no attempt was made to bag ducks, as it was their breeding season.
  3. A low call came from a brooding curlew, a faint sigh from a plover, and the wild rasping cry of a lapwing greeted them overhead.
  4. The common tern and the greater sand-plover nested on the shingly islands in the river.
  5. Again the plover's notes, this time in the field immediately behind; repeated, too, in the field on the right hand.