sloven / ˈslʌv ən /


sloven 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person who is habitually negligent of neatness or cleanliness in dress, appearance, etc.
  2. a person who works, acts, speaks, etc., in a negligent, slipshod manner.

sloven 近义词


等同于 slob


等同于 slob

sloven 的近义词 3


  1. As to his being a sloven in dress, is that what they say about him?
  2. She carried a sloven list that brought her port chains under, and she shouldered at her anchor like a drunken man at a post.
  3. Besides, the appearance of a well-dressed man commands a certain degree of respect which would never be shown to a sloven.
  4. A sloven, except on Sundays and courting-days, and then only clean on the outside.
  5. He used to be quite a sloven in his dress; you know how very slovenly most American gentlemen are in their dress, at any rate.