draggletail / ˈdræg əlˌteɪl /


draggletail 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. slut; slattern.

draggletail 近义词


等同于 slob


  1. The young man had the presence of mind to tail Gaylard Williams out of the park and jot down his license plate.
  2. But two things are clear in this tail-eater of a case: First, there seems to be plenty of guilt but hardly a criminal in sight.
  3. We thought that Sonny was inspiring us and he was out there and responding and sweating and playing his tail off.
  4. A spokeswoman adds that, in the baked flesh, it looks more like a lobster tail.
  5. When it comes to food, are you an adventurous, nose-to-tail kind of eater?
  6. The dog stood with hanging head and tail, as if ashamed he had let so many of his enemies get away unharmed.
  7. The Arab pricked his ears, swished his long and arched tail viciously, and showed the whites of his eyes.
  8. It was no worm that Mrs. Robin had found, but Grandfather Mole's hairless tail sticking out of the ground.
  9. And there shall be no work for Egypt, to make head or tail, him that bendeth down, or that holdeth back.
  10. That was not the exact word that he used, but he expressed it by beating his tail against the table and giving a long howl.