sloppily / ˈslɒp i /


sloppily 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

slop·pi·er, slop·pi·est.

  1. muddy, slushy, or very wet: The field was a sloppy mess after the rain.
  2. splashed or soiled with liquid.
  3. careless; loose: sloppy writing.
  4. untidy; slovenly: sloppy clothes; a sloppy eater.
  5. overly emotional; gushy: sloppy sentimentality.
  6. prepared or served in an unappetizing way.
  7. loose-fitting; baggy: a big, sloppy sweater.
  8. wet from a recent or continuing heavy rain and containing puddles and mud still too thin and watery to be sticky.

sloppily 近义词


等同于 carelessly


等同于 incoherently


等同于 negligently


  1. “It was sloppy reporting and I had to pay for it and get up in front of the team to explain it,” Slauson said.
  2. During some storms, we receive a mixture of sloppy wet snow, ice, freezing rain and plain rain — changing back and forth throughout the day.
  3. That said, memorable ads don’t mean much if the right people aren’t seeing them, which leads us to points 2 and 3… You just can’t be sloppy with audience targeting in the B2B world.
  4. Complex metal tracks like “Cafo” by Animals as Leaders can turn into a featureless sonic blob under sloppy bass performance, but the Nest Audio handled it better than I’d expect at this price.
  5. Instead of giving up, they sliced their flour tortillas into strips and put them in the soup anyway, turning them into “soft weird sloppy tortilla noodles.”
  6. I breathed sloppily through my mouth, hung my head between my legs, and spit every so often.
  7. From the title on, Cheney the author seems hopelessly, blindly, foolishly, sloppily in love with his subject.
  8. Many are sloppily melodramatic and the show seems thrown at you unedited.
  9. Generally, Oswald's uniforms were clean but not neat; they were either unironed or sloppily ironed.
  10. It was nearly eleven o'clock when Jenny, entering the sitting-room, found Irene bunched sloppily over the fire.
  11. Six months after admission she began to feed herself but rather sloppily.
  12. We went in and sat down just as the Chinaman was handing thick cups of coffee around rather sloppily.
  13. He was a tall but sloppily built fellow, and after a straight one on the point of his chin I back-twisted him over the iron bed.