single-foot / ˈsɪŋ gəlˌfʊt /


single-foot2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to go at a rack.


  1. Despite the strong language, however, the neither the JPO nor Lockheed could dispute a single fact in either Daily Beast report.
  2. It is not a decisive war, with a single, signature victory, but a war of attrition.
  3. Together, they crossed over the International Bridges on foot into Juarez to conduct some business.
  4. A single father, he had been living abroad and returned when his mother was diagnosed with cancer.
  5. They stood in a single row, united by solemn respect as the Liu family remained inside.
  6. The bride elect rushes up to him, and so they both step down to the foot-lights.
  7. I find myself chained to the foot of a woman, my noble Cornelia would despise!
  8. We had now approached closely to the foot of the mountain-ranges, and their lofty summits were high above us in mid-air.
  9. When the whole hunt is hunting up, each single change is made between the whole hunt, and the next bell above it.
  10. She apparently prefers to paint single figures of women and young girls, but her works include a variety of subjects.