significative / sɪgˈnɪf ɪˌkeɪ tɪv /


significative 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. serving to signify.
  2. significant; suggestive.

significative 近义词


等同于 suggestive


等同于 impressionistic


等同于 insinuating


等同于 implied


  1. For as the old Creation was complete in seven days, so the number next ensuing may well be significative of the new.
  2. Moreover, these offices of divine piety be moral, and significative of future glory.
  3. That the men sheltered behind the waggons have not “gone under” at the first onslaught is significative of their character.
  4. To which the Count replied, by the word Speranza, accompanied by a clasp of the hand and a significative glance.
  5. He used the word which was significative beyond any thing that entered his imagination.