shrug / ʃrʌg /


shrug4 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

shrugged, shrug·ging.

  1. to raise and contract, expressing indifference, disdain, etc.
v. 无主动词 verb

shrugged, shrug·ging.

  1. to raise and contract the shoulders.
n. 名词 noun
  1. the movement of raising and contracting the shoulders.
  2. a short sweater or jacket that ends above or at the waistline.
v. 动词组 verb
  1. shrug off, to disregard; minimize: to shrug off an rid oneself of: to shrug off the effects of a drug.

shrug 近义词


等同于 gesticulation


等同于 gesture


等同于 jerk


  1. He said he got so fed up with the subcontractor’s shrugs and evasions that he started taking jobs elsewhere.
  2. When Thornburg pressed her for details about what exactly she had written into the form, she got a shrug emoji in response.
  3. The Labor Department, faced with Arise’s refusal, responded with what amounted to a shoulder shrug.
  4. He looked up and waved and gave a shrug of his shoulders, like “I don’t know.”
  5. “It’s better for all of them not to talk to me,” the activist said with a shrug, but a tear could be seen welling up on the screen.
  6. “The girls I used to race with would just pull their pants around their ankles and hang off the back,” Ralphie says with I shrug.
  7. Mason ambles through life, free to enjoy the little moments and shrug off the big ones, just like his father did before him.
  8. Around my own friends, someone will wind up a conversation with a shrug and a baffling—to me—utterance of “Haters gonna hate.”
  9. Of course this gets at the heart of why some attacks on black Republicans inspire a shrug.
  10. Yet, relative to the massive amount of attention, shock, and criticism, I can only muster a shrug and a plea to chill out.
  11. Then he spat upon the ground, and with an exaggerated shrug of his shoulders re-entered the house.
  12. He claps on his bowler-hat, gives another amazed look round, says with a shrug, "Unusual!"
  13. "We shall see," replied Sir Hugh, with a shrug of his shoulders, as the other strode out of his room.
  14. Go to your Mr. Bidlake, see him shrug his shoulders and laugh, and then watch while your cousin—your cousin!
  15. "I haven't changed my ideas one bit," she said, with a shrug, as Gwynne rose and came towards her.