sharp-cut / ˈʃɑrpˈkʌt /


sharp-cut 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. cut so as to have a sharp edge: a tool with a sharp-cut blade.
  2. distinctly outlined; clearly defined.

sharp-cut 近义词


等同于 clear-cut


等同于 distinct


  1. In this cockamamie get-rich scheme, would they all issue an apology if he cut a check?
  2. My understanding was that according to most Christian beliefs, being trans or gay was a sin, cut and dry.
  3. Crew members had to cut through the ice on the streets to get shots.
  4. Having graduated Juilliard last spring, Alex Sharp is too young to have given the performance of a lifetime.
  5. In response to the screen quota cut, South Korea established a “cinema tax” on the box office.
  6. If the "Y" Beach lot press their advantage they may cut off the enemy troops on the toe of the Peninsula.
  7. A sob rose in her throat, and broke from her lips transformed into a trembling, sharp, glad cry.
  8. At the reserve bank they may borrow as a standing right and not as a favor which may be cut off.
  9. It was one of those long moments that makes a fellow draw his breath sharp when he thinks about it afterward.
  10. It occurred to him then, for the first time, that a third resource was open—he might cut the rope, and let the kite go free!