sculling 的 3 个定义
- an oar mounted on a fulcrum at the stern of a small boat and moved from side to side to propel the boat forward.
- either of a pair of oars rowed by one rower.
- a boat propelled by an oar or oars.
- (5)
- to propel or convey by means of a scull or sculls.
- to propel a boat with a scull or sculls.
sculling 近义词
等同于 row
等同于 boating
等同于 paddle
- Mr. Scull had just time left in this world to send for his friends, and make his will.
- How he can scull ahead at such a speed is a mystery, and at once pull back when there is danger.
- We lurched along, my scull sometimes buried to the thwart, sometimes striking at the bubbles of a wave top.
- I remember shouting to Davies once, having become aware that it was now my left scull which splashed against obstructions.
- My right scull was for ever skidding on mud or weeds, and the backward suck of shoal water clogged our progress.