schema / ˈski mə /


schema 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural sche·ma·ta [skee-muh-tuh or, sometimes, skee-mah-tuh, ski-], /ˈski mə tə or, sometimes, skiˈmɑ tə, skɪ-/, sche·mas.

  1. a diagram, plan, or scheme.
  2. an underlying organizational pattern or structure; conceptual framework: A schema provides the basis by which someone relates to the events he or she experiences.
  3. a concept, similar to a universal but limited to phenomenal knowledge, by which an object of knowledge or an idea of pure reason may be apprehended.

schema 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. You can also implement schema markup SEO best practices to provide more information about your site to the search engines and rank higher.
  2. In line with getting higher CTR, your webpages that have event schema markup implemented can also enjoy higher traffic.
  3. When you use event schema markup, you do not have to create two separate experiences to optimize for text and voice search.
  4. Google’s hoping the schema catches on with other ad sellers.
  5. That is why it’s so important to boost your content efforts with schema markups.
  6. In this urban schema, family, long the basic unit of society, becomes peripheral.
  7. Even less may a logical schema of this sort be regarded as representing a universal law of development.
  8. In the first place, the schema is a conception which relates not to the reality apprehended but to us.
  9. Yet, on Kant's general account of a schema, the schematizing must actually bring a manifold under the corresponding conception.
  10. The schema is, in itself, always a mere product of the imagination.
  11. The schema of necessity is the existence of an object in all time.