scandalmonger / ˈskæn dlˌmʌŋ gər, -ˌmɒŋ- /


scandalmonger 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person who spreads scandal or gossip.

scandalmonger 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. The scandalmonger, inhibited from doing the forbidden thing, enjoys himself by a vicarious indulgence in rottenness.
  2. No man is obliged to give himself away in matters of this sort, and I am no scandalmonger.
  3. Damn my cousin Townham for a dried-up, wiggy, pratin' little scandalmonger!
  4. She was respectability personified, and complained bitterly of the misery of being tied to a scandalmonger!
  5. So every careless slanderer, and scandalmonger credulous of evil, who believes the lies he propagates.