babbler / ˈbæb lər /


babbler 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person or thing that babbles.
  2. any of the birds of the family Timaliidae, many of which have a loud, babbling cry.

babbler 近义词


等同于 blabbermouth


等同于 talker

babbler 的近义词 9
babbler 的反义词 1

等同于 gossipmonger


等同于 rumormonger


等同于 scandalmonger


等同于 tabby


等同于 talebearer


等同于 taleteller


等同于 tattler


  1. The bats may not babble exactly like other known babblers, says Pralle Kriengwatana, a behavioral biologist at the University of Glasgow in Scotland who wasn’t involved in the study.
  2. Like humans and other babblers, the behavior started early in development, a little over two weeks after the bats’ birth.
  3. Figuratively the term is used to designate an empty babbler.
  4. Pisistratus could not feel flattered by passages intended to exhibit his ancestor as a conceited and inopportune old babbler.
  5. The eggs of this cuckoo are blue, but are distinguishable from those of the babbler by their larger size.
  6. When it sees a babbler approaching with food, the cuckoo cries out and flaps its wings vigorously.
  7. Our Yankee, like the Roman babbler, had abundance of time to discourse on fifty different subjects.