sartorial / sɑrˈtɔr i əl, -ˈtoʊr- /


sartorial 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of or relating to tailors or their trade: sartorial workmanship.
  2. of or relating to clothing or style or manner of dress: sartorial splendor.
  3. Anatomy. pertaining to the sartorius.

sartorial 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

pertaining to tailors

sartorial 的近义词 7
sartorial 的反义词 3


  1. When we do have this moment of realization, we all look ridiculous, at least by the arcane equipment and sartorial standards that inform our sport.
  2. Dressing for the office was like solving a sartorial Rubik’s Cube in which the rare winning combination was simultaneously appropriate for my age, rank, body type, and schedule.
  3. Ford’s most memorable brush with sartorial fame, he writes, was when he entered Esquire’s 2009 competition for the magazine’s Best Dressed Real Man.
  4. This sartorial shift also makes plain the challenges that women in power continue to face.
  5. Their new Balmain campaign isn't just extremely off-putting and incredibly up-close; it's also a serious sartorial achievement.
  6. Today, the sartorial movement is starting to make a comeback.
  7. Tyson Chandler, a veteran of taking sartorial risks, has seemingly influenced a new generation of players taking style chances.
  8. Once she became enmeshed in the acting world, she turned to some timeless Hollywood icons for sartorial guidance.
  9. In its first issue, for example, 1Granary pushed sartorial limits with a cover shoot entitled “The Birth Place.”
  10. We are still in the times of the upstanding ruff; we are watching, like sartorial gardeners, for the droop of this linen flower.
  11. The action was everything; the sartorial accessories were as they might be and were and frequently still are.
  12. He returned with a dark young man, whose sartorial perfection left nothing to be desired.
  13. He advanced and recognized Snorky Green's red choker tie, which was particularly dear to his young sartorial fancy.
  14. Gordon Makimmon, with secret dissatisfaction, compared himself with this sartorial model.