sartorius / sɑrˈtɔr i əs, -ˈtoʊr- /


sartorius 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural sar·to·ri·i [sahr-tawr-ee-ahy, -tohr-]. /sɑrˈtɔr iˌaɪ, -ˈtoʊr-/. Anatomy.

  1. a long, flat, narrow muscle extending obliquely from the front of the hip to the inner side of the tibia, assisting in bending the hip or knee joint and in rotating the thigh outward: the longest muscle in humans.


  1. I then went into the cabin and ordered breakfast, to prevent further discussion until the arrival of Captain Sartorius.
  2. Sartorius and the surviving English officers formed a cordon across the narrow neck of land.
  3. Baker and Sartorius, and the other English officers, remained on shore to superintend the embarkation.
  4. Bring some work,” said Anna Sartorius to me, “or you will find it langweilig—slow, I mean.
  5. One day, about this time, I met Anna Sartorius in one of the picture exhibitions.