sarcasm / ˈsɑr kæz əm /


sarcasm 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. harsh or bitter derision or irony.
  2. a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark: a review full of sarcasms.

sarcasm 近义词

n. 名词 noun

mocking remark


  1. Of course, when a student posts a split-second video of the gesture, that sarcasm is lost amid viral context collapse.
  2. There are also plenty of mom accounts drenched in sarcasm, illustrating what a hot mess the maternal experience can be.
  3. So I’ve tried not to be sarcastic because sarcasm and humor do not translate.
  4. We try to always keep the self-deprecation in it because that optimism we feel about people does not have room for sarcasm or negativity.
  5. Lou's valedictory has been acclaimed, without sarcasm, as baseball's Gettysburg Address.
  6. Friedman is acutely aware of the thin line between soap opera and sarcasm.
  7. A spectre is haunting the internet—the spectre of Open Sarcasm.
  8. But it is the quest of a father and son to invent a symbol for sarcasm that will live in infamy.
  9. The written word has question marks and exclamation points to document those thoughts, BUT sarcasm has NOTHING!
  10. A vein of shrewd and humorous sarcasm, together with an under-current of quiet selfishness, made him a very pleasant companion. '
  11. He had often been floored by argument and coughed down by contempt, but he seemed alike insensible to sarcasm and to insult.
  12. His manner disconcerts me; but the sarcasm of his words and the offensive tone rouse my resentment.
  13. Avoid sarcasm; it will, unconsciously to yourself, degenerate into pertness, and often downright rudeness.
  14. I see you were not, said the stranger, an expression of quiet sarcasm playing about his mouth, or you would have known my name.
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Where does the word sarcasm come from?

On the hit TV show Friends, the character Chandler Bing can never help himself from being sarcastic. But, maybe he would think twice if he knew the origins of the word sarcasm.

Sarcasm is defined as a “sneering or cutting remark.” Fittingly, the word sarcasm comes from the ancient Greek word sarkázein, which meant “to tear flesh.” That verb became a metaphor for “speaking bitterly.”

While we always hear that sticks and stones can’t break our bones, even the ancient Greeks recognized that sarcasm feels like someone is digging into you.

The roots of these other words may get a rise—of laughter or surprise—out of you. Run on over to our roundup of them at “Weird Word Origins That Will Make Your Family Laugh.”