saltwater / ˈsɔltˈwɔ tər, -ˈwɒt ər /


saltwater 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of or relating to salt water.
  2. inhabiting salt water: a saltwater fish.

saltwater 近义词


等同于 marine/maritime


等同于 marine


等同于 thalassic


  1. While saltwater pools still need cleaning chemicals, they don’t use nearly as much of the stuff.
  2. Yamaha Seascooter Note that this one is specially designed for use in saltwater and has less buoyancy in fresh water, so it’s not the right pick if you’re planning to use it in the pool.
  3. They took samples of saltwater and seaweed for the University Center in Svalbard.
  4. It’s situated on Point Judith Pond, one of the state’s most spectacular saltwater ponds.
  5. City officials, engineers and maintenance workers familiar with the building have given accounts of saltwater bubbling up through the foundation, and residents described a garage that flooded often.