sagittal / ˈsædʒ ɪ tl /


sagittal 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. Anatomy. of or relating to the suture between the parietal bones at the roof of the skull or to a venous canal within the skull and parallel to this suture. from front to back in the median plane or in a plane parallel to the median.
  2. pertaining to or resembling an arrow or arrowhead.

sagittal 近义词


等同于 pointed


  1. The third normal plane is the cingular (waist) plane: this is defined by the sagittal and transverse axes.
  2. Valve symmetrical in zone and valve view along the sagittal line, but asymmetrical to the transverse axis, cuneate.
  3. The sagittal plane of the valve of the auxospore is at right angles to the plane of the valve of the mother cell.
  4. Simple dolichocephaly is due to synostosis of the sagittal, or antero-posterior suture of the skull.
  5. One reconstruction was in wax, from sagittal sections, the other was a plotted reconstruction from transverse sections.