rotunda / roʊˈtʌn də /


rotunda 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a round building, especially one with a dome.
  2. a large and high circular hall or room in a building, especially one surmounted by a dome.

rotunda 近义词


等同于 casino


等同于 gazebo


等同于 hall


等同于 kiosk

rotunda 的近义词 5


  1. He was a part of the crowd that cops were trying to clear in the rotunda in the center of the Capitol.
  2. Elsewhere throughout the Capitol, tourists milled about, seemingly unaware of the exodus, perusing the historic portraits on the walls and marveling at the ornate rotunda.
  3. McFaden, too, finally got a call to jump into the action, and was ordered to the rotunda.
  4. They climbed up another flight of stairs to get to the Capitol crypt, the circular room directly beneath the rotunda.
  5. Protesters are typically allowed in the rotunda, and so far, the group has been peaceful.
  6. Tough women with children at home curled up in the rotunda at the foot of the grand staircase.
  7. Then a newscaster would break in with some ratatattat announcement that amounted to nothing, and then it was back to the rotunda.
  8. Jubilant crowds filled the Capitol rotunda and thunderous applause greeted us everywhere as we emerged from the vote.
  9. The reviled Batman gets a statue in the city hall rotunda, and orphan boys can romp in a great big mansion, unafraid.
  10. In the rotunda, connecting the north and south cell-houses, the Deputy stands at a high desk.
  11. The short steps patter on the bridge connecting the upper rotunda with the cell-house, and pass along the gallery.
  12. Past the tier of vacant cells, we ascend the stairway to the upper rotunda, on the left side of which is the Chaplain's office.
  13. The door of the rotunda swings open, admitting the tall, lank figure of the Deputy Warden.
  14. All these articles are arranged for exhibition in this rotunda, which is lighted up with candles.