roisterer / ˈrɔɪ stər /


roisterer 的定义

v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to act in a swaggering, boisterous, or uproarious manner.
  2. to revel noisily or without restraint.

roisterer 近义词


等同于 reveler

roisterer 的近义词 5


  1. Custance, a gay and rich widow, whom Ralph Roister Doister wishes to marry, but he is wholly baffled in his scheme.
  2. The title of this comedy is Ralph Roister Doister, a name uncouth enough, and from which we should expect a very barbarous farce.
  3. Roister Doister opens the moveable scenery of domestic life in the metropolis—touched with care, and warm with reality.
  4. His very roistering became a pose, and his vanity made him roister the more, to make the pose more convincing.
  5. It is interesting to compare him with Ralph Roister Doister.