bacchant / ˈbæk ənt, bəˈkænt, -ˈkɑnt /


bacchant2 个定义

n. 名词 noun

plural bac·chants, bac·chan·tes [buh-kan-teez, -kahn-]. /bəˈkæn tiz, -ˈkɑn-/.

  1. a priest, priestess, or votary of Bacchus; bacchanal.
  2. a drunken reveler.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. inclined to revelry.

bacchant 近义词


等同于 reveler


  1. He was in this, just as he was in everything else, a remnant of a past age; he had merely been transformed into a Bacchant!
  2. But shall I be more like a Bacchant holding the thyrsus in my right hand, or in this?
  3. Scenes of bacchant excitement and of wildest abandonment may be witnessed here.