ripening / ˈraɪ pən /


ripening 的定义

v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to make or become ripe.
  2. to bring or come to maturity, the proper condition, etc.; mature.

ripening 近义词

v. 动词 verb


ripening 的近义词 4
v. 动词 verb


ripening 的近义词 4
ripening 的反义词 3
v. 动词 verb



  1. The ideal tomme-ripening cave sat below the house that her family had just sold.
  2. The 2017 growing season was exceptional, being a warm year with a good amount of rainfall to fully ripen the fruit and maintain a nice acidity.
  3. If you decide to include the pears to serve as a dessert later, look for ones that are just ripening — not hard and woody, not soft.
  4. This was the third hot, dry vintage in a row, explains Master of Wine Jasper Morris, author of Inside Burgundy, who describes a July with brutal heat waves that pushed ripening.
  5. I remember ripening coffee beans hanging down the banks, and masses of wild orchids.
  6. The plant is strong and vigorous, ripening in a few weeks, and when properly cultivated (p. 385) attaining a very large size.
  7. Even the first blossoms of your youth paid us all that could be expected from a ripening manhood.
  8. Trellises, burdened with ripening grapes, were the boundary line between the garden and the orchard.
  9. Under the corners of her eyes above the rounded cheeks a pink stain lay like the first ripening flush on a wild strawberry.
  10. Nothing but brabblings, scufflings, objurgations; a great outbreak ripening itself.