rhubarb / ˈru bɑrb /


rhubarb 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any of several plants belonging to the genus Rheum, of the buckwheat family, as R. officinale, having a medicinal rhizome, and R. rhabarbarum, having edible leafstalks.
  2. the rhizome of any medicinal species of this plant, forming a combined cathartic and astringent.
  3. the edible, fleshy leafstalks of R. rhabarbarum, used in making pies, preserves, etc.
  4. Slang. a quarrel or squabble.

rhubarb 近义词

n. 名词 noun


rhubarb 的近义词 6
rhubarb 的反义词 3


  1. Chopped rhubarb makes a nice, slightly tart addition, as well.
  2. The cake is a variation on a Dorie Greenspan recipe where I’ve switched up the flavorings to let cardamom’s fragrant warmth mingle with the tartness of the rhubarb.
  3. While red rhubarb is most often what you see in glossy food photos, it’s purely for aesthetic reasons, as color isn’t an indication of ripeness or sweetness.
  4. Hitting farmers markets and grocery stores in late spring, rhubarb comes in stalks ranging from soft, pale green to deep crimson red.
  5. The few instances I might have tried rhubarb, it was almost certainly paired with strawberries in a supporting role.
  6. She even had the audacity to steal from his personal rhubarb plant.
  7. RHUBY is a heady blend of rhubarb, beets, carrots, and cardamom.
  8. Serve the Baked Alaska immediately with the rhubarb syrup and extra raspberries.
  9. Rhubarb Roulade This powdered sugar-dusted pink-and-white pinwheel is a classically beautiful Gourmet dessert.
  10. Mike loaded the wagon with peas, the last of the rhubarb, and ten quarts of currants picked by Peter, and off we started.
  11. If I were her medical man, I should order her a dose of rhubarb and sal volatile.
  12. When made of good Turkey, or even East India rhubarb, it is a very valuable preparation.
  13. The large-leaved rhubarb and cabbage plants slept too, their broad limp surfaces hanging in the sun like half-closed umbrellas.
  14. Take spicierum hier, a scruple each of rhubarb, agaric lozenges, and make into pills with iris juice.