to cover again with plants, sow with seeds, etc.: After the drought, we had to replant the south lawn.
to transfer from one soil or container to another.
Surgery. to reattach, as a severed arm, finger, or toe, especially with the use of microsurgery to reconnect nerves and blood vessels.
Believe me, these tree guys make sure that if it burns down, they find another magic place where no tree has ever grown, to replant.
That’s replanting a burned tract of forest land in the Cuyamaca Rancho State Park, said Scott Anders, director of the Energy Policy Initiatives Center, which has contracted with the county on climate work in the past.
Five years later, the state still hasn’t collected a $14,000 fine, less than it would’ve cost to replant.
It requires significantly less water to grow and doesn’t need to be uprooted when harvested, so it continues to grow without replanting.
Tetraploids are reproduced asexually, with replanted tubers, whereas diploids can be reproduced sexually, with pollinated seeds, and seeds are much easier to scale up for a new breed.
For this there is no remedy, except to plant and replant, until the tobacco itself kills the worm.
Here they lie; and the priests, if they can, may replant them.
The wheat was all killed and it was too late in the season to replant had they the means of doing so.
To-day I replant the same seeds as above after fourteen days' immersion.
At intervals of four years it will be necessary to lift, divide, and replant the roots on fresh ground.