reconvert / ˌri kənˈvɜrt /


reconvert 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to convert again.
  2. to change back to a previous form, opinion, character, or function.


  1. To reconvert it into carbonate, moisten with a few drops of ammonic carbonate solution, and dry in a water-oven.
  2. Efforts were accordingly made to reconvert the converted districts and to bring some amount of pressure to bear on the clergy.
  3. The mother offered her whole fortune if her son would consent to hear one mass; she believed that one mass would reconvert him.
  4. Industry has neither the capital nor the energy to reconvert itself to peace productivity.
  5. To reconvert and instruct anew a relapsed heathen country was the task which Gregory the Great laid on the willing Augustine.